
Sunday, 23 November 2014

Electrical Engineering Bachelor's Degree Programs

Electrical engineers design and manufacture electrical equipment or systems. Learn about bachelor's degree programs in electrical engineering including common coursework and admission requirements. Schools offering Electrical Engineering degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

What Will I Learn in a Bachelor's Degree Program in Electrical Engineering?

ABET accredits bachelor's degree programs in electrical engineering. Once enrolled, you learn the physical and mathematical principles behind electrical engineering and become proficient in the use of relevant tools and laboratory techniques. In addition, you acquire the skills necessary to design, develop, test and supervise the production of electrical or electronic systems, devices, instruments and products for industrial, manufacturing, governmental and corporate entities. You could take classes about:

  •     Sequential circuits
  •     Control systems
  •     Microprocessing concepts
  •     Energy conservation principles
  •     Communication systems design
  •     Systems engineering
  •     Engineering statistics
  •     Biomedical engineering
  •     Processing digital signals

Can I Earn This Degree Online?

While these programs may allow you to complete courses over the Internet, some may require you to complete laboratory hours on campus. Both online and on-campus programs typically take 4-6 years to complete.

What Do I Need to Apply?

You need at least a high school diploma or a GED certificate to be considered for admission to bachelor's degree programs in electrical engineering. You may need to submit ACT or SAT scores as well as high school transcripts. A background in mathematics, physics or statistics may be beneficial.

What Would My Job Market Be Like?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that employment rates for electrical engineers are expected to increase two percent between 2008 and 2018 ( The BLS also reported that the median annual salary for electrical engineers was $84,540 as of May 2010. Top-paid engineers earned $128,610 during the same time, according to the BLS, while the lowest-paid made $54,030 or less. The top-paying industries for electrical engineering were motion pictures; hardware, plumbing and heating; mining; oil and gas extraction; and pipeline transportation.

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